Monday, 6 August 2012

Outfit of the day!

Hi dolls! I never really do posts on my outfits, but my sister kept going on and on about how I should start doing posts on some of my outfits of I work part-time in an Entertainment branding firm called EclipseWest Africa so the dress sense is very flexible. However, I try to be as formal as I can on Mondays, being the first day of the week. Here are some pictures of what I'm wearing today taken by another intern,


Anonymous said...

Where did you get your trousers from? Beaut!

Oreo said...

Awww! Gorge! Btw can you please do a post on your skincare routine? Yours looks so healthy. :)

dorannedoll said...

Thanks! They came as a gift from a friend and they didn't come with any name tag (sounds funny, but yeah)lol

dorannedoll said...

@Oreo Thank uu! I'll do a post on it tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

Stunning, you're so pretty. Love your outfit

dorannedoll said...

thank u!

Anonymous said...

Where are your shoes from? Love them

dorannedoll said...

thanks! they're from Primark.

KoredeOjo said...

Love me some flared pants

sucre said...

Nice! Sexy T*wink* i like the pants and the shoes.

dorannedoll said...

Thanks dolls!

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