Saturday, 4 August 2012

My Fav Pink Lipsticks!

Hi dolls! Today i'm going to show you guys some of my favourite pink lipsticks from my makeup stash! Pink is such a girly, sweet and romantic colour; every girl needs at least two shades of pink lipsticks that matches the skin tone. I'm not sure which of these is my favourite, but my Revlon- Pink Velvet is fast becoming the apple of my eyes, lol!

The 2nd and 3rd lipsticks are more of purple tones, but I love them anyway, so I included them as well.
Tweet me! @dorrannedoll

Maybelline- Make me Pink
I literally can't read what brand  this is
Sleek- Amethyst

Revlon- Pink Velvet

Mac's Girl ABout Town
Black Opal- Island Fuschia
Mac- Viva Glam


Anonymous said...

Amaaazing! Been trying to shop for pink lipsticks. You've given me some brands to look out for. X

dorannedoll said...

thank u doll! Let me know which ones you end up getting *muah*

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