Thursday, 9 August 2012

Yaay or Nayy?

Hi dolls! I came across this beautiful picture of Nike Osinowo on the cover of Style Mania magazine, on Bella Naija and I instantly fell in love! Her makeup is so chic and classy and can be rocked both during the day, and at night. Her face is well contoured and highlighted in the right areas. To be honest, it's not just the makeup, her hair also caught my eyes; it looks extremely healthy, properly blown out and professionally cut (extra plus). What I love most is that there's not so much going on and the nude lips nailed it! lool If you know me personally, I mostly rock nude/brownish lipsticks! (ok, and pinks too) dead for them! lool
Anyways, what do you guys think of her makeup?

Yaay or Nayy?
Definitely a Yaay for me! muah!

Tweet me! @dorrannedoll
Facebook: DorranneBeauty
Youtube: Dorranne


Anonymous said...


LAMILOLY said...

definitely yaaaay for me

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